My Labor Day Weekend got off to a great start. I arrived in Oakland on Jet Blue, which delivers incredible service considering how cheap the fares are between California cities. From Long Beach to Oakland, the fare is only $69 dollars, and the flight time is a crisp 55 minutes. In Oakland, I took the AirBart for $2 to the nearest BART metro station. At the BART station, I coughed up another $2 to get to Berkeley. The airport lady told me to take the Richmond train, but somehow I ended up in Embarcadero in SF. But I switched trains, crossed the bay, and soon I was at the Jupiter enjoying lunch with Vikas, a friend currently at Boalt.
The Jupiter has awesome pesto chicken pizza with a nice thin crust. Josh met up with us at the Jupiter an hour later, and although we encouraged him to order some pizza, a development that would change all of our perceptions about The Jupiter unfolded. Vikas spotted the critter first. He was looking over my right shoulder, and his eyes said it all. And then he verbalized it.
A big grey rat was working its way down the patio steps in the back of the Jupiter. We were all amazed at how slowly and confidently the rodent was moving. It felt at home in this environment. Vik tried to alert the attention of the wait staff. He eventually got up and went inside to inform them of the new patio guest.
A young asian girl with thick glasses immediately pulled out a take-out box and tried to capture the rat to no avail. The rat slowly turned around, hopped its way up the steps and slid into a narrow rock crevice. The girl with the take-out box sighed in relief, turned around, put the take out box back where she got it from and that was that. Many of the patrons outside, including us, started laughing.
No apologies, and clearly no discounts for witnessing such a rodent invasion. But after all, we were in Berkeley. And then we just decided to order another around of their blonde beer.
The next day Josh, Dan and I headed south towards Half Moon Bay, where the sampler seen here is served to the stranger of the land. The sampler is great if you really want to get a feel for the beer up here. The Half Moon Bay Brewery has outdoor fireside options that keep you warm while you enjoy some of the great menu options. For more information about the Half Moon Bay Brewery, visit http://www.hmbbrewingco.com
The community of Half Moon Bay overlooks the majesty of the Pacific Ocean, as it pounds some of its strongest waves on Maverick's, a place for those surfers that are looking for not only the perfect wave, but the perfect size as well.
"One of the seven natural wonders of the world, a phenomenon somewhere between Tommy Lee's manhood and Angel Falls, Maverick's is that rarest of things: not just a perfect wave and not just a giant wave but a perfect, giant wave. It's rare when a person or place lives up to the hype, but Maverick's really does. To surf it or see it from the channel or the cliffs on a perfect, giant day is to be held in awe of one of the most amazing waves on Earth. Maverick's is, in one overused word, awesome." To read more about Maverick's, visit the following website: www.surfline.com/travel/surfmaps/us/sanfrancisco_monterey/mavericks.cfm

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