Acapulco has several beaches for its many tourists and residents to enjoy. On this particular day in late March, my aunts and cousins wanted to go to the Playa Princess. This beach is located on the southern side of Acapulco Bay.
Here, my tia Pita and I are enjoying some of the good Pacific Ocean breeze. My aunt Pita is an attorney in Monterrey. She was one of the role models I looked up to when I was a child.
I still remember when I was about 9 years old, and my sister and I were visiting Zacatecas for the summer. I was obsessed with her law school experience asking over 100 questions a day. She promised to take me to one of her law school classes at the UAZ, the Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas. I was so excited I could barely contain myself, seriously. I was finally going to witness an actual law school class, Socratic methods and all. After reading To Kill A Mockingbird that summer, this was the best event I could have anticipated.
The night before the law school classroom visit, we decided to celebrate by attending the state festival. My sister, Pita and I rode some great carnival rides. But then we all ate some corn on the cob with lots of mayo, cheese and chilli. Hours later I was throwing up in the main plaza. Before I knew it, I was sent back to my grandmother's house in Valparaiso to recover, and instead of me going to Pita's law school class, my older sister Patty took my place. I was so disappointed. I had missed out on the one experience I had been looking forward to all summer.
To this day, I dislike Mexican elotes (corn on the cob), especially if they are covered in cheese, mayo and chilli.

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