It is Friday night in Los Angeles. I am about to leave to a friend's birthday party. I missed the dinner, but I am making up by going to the after party, which I think are always better.
I had a great day today. Fridays are always so chill in Southern Cali. Well, for me at least. I am working part time now as an external relations consultant. I do not work Fridays, and that makes me very happy.
This is a picture of me in Agua Azul, Chiapas. The mist througout the rainforest was awesome. This is back in June during my roadtrip to Chiapas. I have so much to say about these waterfalls. But I need to leave now, so I will keep this post brief.
I also got an email from my friends Pete and Josh today. They are in Costa Rica traveling around looking for the perfect beach to surf. Now that's one great assignment. I can't believe that one year ago, I was in Costa Rica on my bar trip. The California Bar Exam is one tough exam, and I am so glad to have that in my past. So many things can happen in one year. We just have to make the best of them, and enjoy those moments that really count. Like Friday nights anywhere. Have a great weekend.

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