Summer time is meant to be enjoyed. Whether you are fortunate enough to be by the ocean, by a river, or by a lake, you should really try to get the most of each summer's day. I learned this lesson many years ago, okay, actually about two decades ago. But I was reminded this last spring, when I was still in Mexico City, and I joined some of my colleagues on a Saturday morning to go give free breakfasts to children living on a municipal landfill. These columpios (swings) made the kids very happy. So happy in fact, that I needed to try them myself, and I did. For those that are not familiar with the art of columpios, batteries are most definitely not included. Columpios require a highly sophisticated form of body movement to create the proper motion and momentum needed to eventually swing back and forth on your own volition. Here, my colleague and I demonstrate how to decrease dependence on other humans for proper swinging.
Random factoid: What am I listening to now? The Mamas and the Papas, "Monday Monday." Sometimes it just turns out that way. Every other day of the week is fine, but Monday requires special effort.

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