lunes, noviembre 10, 2008

Noviembre - Vivirlo Para Contarlo

Today was a good day. I went for a light jog around the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. I continued to wear my VOTE t-shirt that was made by American Apparel.  I don't know why I continue to wear it, and at some point, am going to have to wash it. But for the moment, the blue t-shirt is comfortable, looks great, and although the message is a bit dated, reminds me of what just happened in this country less than a week ago. It's also nice that the message is non-partisan. 

I also signed up for a public library card today. It's easy to forget how much of a luxury and a privilege it is to have access to literary materials for FREE! I hope that we always allocate and prioritize resources for public libraries. 

Public libraries are not only great meeting spaces, but they also enrich the minds of all types of residents, from children to senior citizens, and from students to professionals.  My local library has resources related to employment, the mortgage crisis, and even free internet access.  

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