The City of Los Angeles finally started development on a new park for East LA.
East LA finally gets a park that's not a cemetery.
The following is a quote from an article published on Curbed LA.
"It's groundbreaking day for Ascot Park, one of the last remaining open spaces in East Los Angeles. The former reservoir site, a 100-acre patch north of the 10 Freeway, was subject a tug-of-war for several years between various interest groups. Eventually the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
"All Los Angeles is park poor. But in East L.A. itself, the largest open space is Evergreen Cemetery, which basically sends a message to kids: 'If you want open space, you have to die first,' " Attorney Robert Garc�a, executive director of the Center for Law in the Public Interest, told the LA Times last year.
"Good grief, that sounds horrible. A busy Mayor Villaraigosa, who championed the project as a Councilmember, will particpate in the ceremony."

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