Dentro del Castillo de Chapultepec, se encuentra este mural de Pancho Villa entrando a la Ciudad de Zacatecas, el evento mejor conocido como La Toma de Zacatecas, cuando el revolucionario llego del norte para tomar control de esta hermosa ciudad minera y colonial.
In the background you can see the famous Cerro de la Bufa described below by another website regarding the history of Zacatecas:
"Towering above downtown is La Bufa, a rocky mound of stone. The hill offers sweeping views of Zacatecas, as well as three attractions of interest. El Santuario is a small chapel consecrated in 1728. Nearby is the Museo de la Toma de Zacatecas, dedicated to the Revolutionary battle that "freed" Zacatecas in 1914. Facing the museum are three enormous bronze statues of the battle’s heroes: Pancho Villa, Pánfilo Natera, and Felipe Angeles. A Swiss-made aerial tramway, known as the Teleférico, connects the city with la bufa (eight-minute ride; operates daily)."
"Known as the city with a "face of stone and a heart of silver, " Zacatecas reigns over the windswept plateaus of the State of Zacatecas. Technically not a part of the colonial circle, this fabled silver city lies 4-1/2 hours (300 km) north of Guanajuato. But it is a detour into history no visitor will regret. Zacatecas is a city of enormous beauty and unabashed Mexican pride."
"At 8,100 feet elevation (Mexico’s second highest city), Zacatecas will literally take your breath away. Although inhabited in pre-Hispanic times, Zacatecas was founded in 1546 following the discovery of one of the world’s richest silver veins. (By the early 18th century, Zacatecas was producing one-fifth of the world’s silver.) In the late 16th century, several religious orders (Dominicans, Jesuits, Agustins, Franciscans) began constructing churches with the help of local silver barons. Its historic center is a tight clustering of magnificent churches, abandoned convents, and sturdy colonial architecture."
To learn more about this beautiful city and when you should visit, please see: http://www.activefx.net/mexicoexplorer/Zacatecas_attractions.htm

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