sábado, octubre 29, 2005
Sheep on a Cliff
I saw this flock of sheep by the side of the road in Oaxaca. I was driving through the Oaxacan highlands, both sides of the road incredibly steep, and these sheep were just grazing like there was no tomorrow. Awesome. Sometimes animals really impress me with their carefree attitude.
La Toma de Zacatecas: Heart of Silver
Dentro del Castillo de Chapultepec, se encuentra este mural de Pancho Villa entrando a la Ciudad de Zacatecas, el evento mejor conocido como La Toma de Zacatecas, cuando el revolucionario llego del norte para tomar control de esta hermosa ciudad minera y colonial.
In the background you can see the famous Cerro de la Bufa described below by another website regarding the history of Zacatecas:
"Towering above downtown is La Bufa, a rocky mound of stone. The hill offers sweeping views of Zacatecas, as well as three attractions of interest. El Santuario is a small chapel consecrated in 1728. Nearby is the Museo de la Toma de Zacatecas, dedicated to the Revolutionary battle that "freed" Zacatecas in 1914. Facing the museum are three enormous bronze statues of the battle’s heroes: Pancho Villa, Pánfilo Natera, and Felipe Angeles. A Swiss-made aerial tramway, known as the Teleférico, connects the city with la bufa (eight-minute ride; operates daily)."
"Known as the city with a "face of stone and a heart of silver, " Zacatecas reigns over the windswept plateaus of the State of Zacatecas. Technically not a part of the colonial circle, this fabled silver city lies 4-1/2 hours (300 km) north of Guanajuato. But it is a detour into history no visitor will regret. Zacatecas is a city of enormous beauty and unabashed Mexican pride."
"At 8,100 feet elevation (Mexico’s second highest city), Zacatecas will literally take your breath away. Although inhabited in pre-Hispanic times, Zacatecas was founded in 1546 following the discovery of one of the world’s richest silver veins. (By the early 18th century, Zacatecas was producing one-fifth of the world’s silver.) In the late 16th century, several religious orders (Dominicans, Jesuits, Agustins, Franciscans) began constructing churches with the help of local silver barons. Its historic center is a tight clustering of magnificent churches, abandoned convents, and sturdy colonial architecture."
To learn more about this beautiful city and when you should visit, please see: http://www.activefx.net/mexicoexplorer/Zacatecas_attractions.htm
Fotos y Banquetas
Una de las cosas que me gusto mucho de la Cd de Mexico, es el uso del espacio publico. En particular, el Paseo de la Reforma tiene una tradicion de usar la calle sobre el Parque de Chapultepec para compartir imagenes fotograficas con los peatones chilangos.
En el Paseo de la Reforma, si vale la pena subirse a la banqueta, ya que cada dos meses cambian las fotografias en esta avenida historica. De esta forma, el peaton puede disfrutar una diversdidad de imagenes mientras camina sobre un camino con sombras y un sin numero de vendedores ambulantes.
Ahora, aqui les va un chiste:
Un joven pobre y de la calle le da dos pesos a su colega.
El colega sorprendido le dice, "Oye, guey, para que es esto?"
El joven pobre responde, "Pues no que estabas en la calle, pues aqui te doy dos pesos para que te subas a la banqueta guey!!"
Mujer de Doble Sombra
Esta Papeleria titulada La Escuelita se encuentra en la carretera saliendo de la Cd. de Oaxaca, en Oaxaca, Mexico.
Yo tome esta fotografia mientras hiba manejando. Como se puede ver por medio de la sombra que domina la fotografia, ya era un poco tarde, y mi hermano Daniel y yo empezabamos la jornada de Oaxaca a Puebla y de Puebla a la Cd. de Mexico.
Esta foto representa como hasta una Papeleria llamada La Escuelita no se libra de la nueva epidemia de nuestra sociedad, la existencia del grafiti, que con tiempo se ha exportado por todo el mundo. Por varias razones, la juventud y los agentes de la resistencia social reusan utilizar el papel como una limitacion de su expresion, tomando paredes enteras para escribir lo que se les de la regalada gana.
Ademas, me gusta tomar fotografias de personas caminando en otras ciudades del mundo. En Oaxaca, la mujer joven no tiene los mismos vestidos tradicionales que utilizan otras generaciones. Al contrario, despues de la famosa cancion "No Controles" de Flans, parece que las mujeres en el sur de Mexico tambien estan dejando los vestidos y poniendose pantalones que sus abuelas nunca se hubieran puesto.
Esta dama tambien vive con dos sombras, una en la pared y otra en la calle. No sabemos a donde va ni de donde viene.
Aqui les incluyo la letra de la cancion "No Controles" por el grupo Flans, que durante la decada de los 80 domino mucho tiempo en las radios de millones de mujeres:
No controles mi forma de vestir porque es total
Y a todo el mundo gusto
No controles mi forma de pensar porque es total
Y a todos les encanta
No controles mis vestidos
No controles mis sentidos
No controles mis vestidos
NO controles mis sentidos
No controles mi forma de bailar
porque es total
Y a todos les excita
No controles mi forma de mirar
Porque es total
Y a todos enamoro
No controles mis vestidos
No controles mis sentidos (x2)
No controles mis vestidos
No controles mis sentidos (x2)
No controles mi forma de vestir porque es total
Y a todo el mundo gusto
No controles mi forma de pensar porque es total
Y a todos les encanta
No controles mis vestidos
No controles mis sentidos (x2)
No controles, no controles
No controles, no controles(5)
No, no, no, no controles
No controles, no controles
No controles, no controles
Entre Castillos y Jardines
Esta es una fotografia que tome en el Castillo de Chapultepec en Marzo del 2005. Recuerdo que mi hermano Daniel y yo empezamos a ver las diferentes aulas juntos, pero despues de ver la recamara de Carlota, nos separamos para poder ver mas del castillo. Yo decidi visitar los jardines que se encuentran en la sotea del Castillo, justamente a uno pies en donde Porfirio Diaz recibio la primera llamada telefonica al pais Azteca.
Yo siempre me acuerdo de la historia de Carlota, porque mi madre visito la Ciudad de Mexico con sus abuelos cuando era una nina. En esos tiempos, el Castillo de Chapultepec era una de las grandes atracciones al igual que el zoologico y el Paseo de la Reforma. Mi madre siempre me conto que cuando ella visito la recamara de Carlota, recuerda haber visto sus zapatos, imaginandose su reaccion cuando inicio el conflicto militar en contra de su reinado.
La historia del Castillo de Chapultepec es muy bonita. Justamente aqui en este Castillo fue donde los famosos ninos heroes decidieron entregarse a la muerte en vez de rendirse como reenes de la invasion estadounidense decadas despues de los tiempos de Carlota y Maximiliano, los emperadores europeos escogidos para gobernar sobre el pais Azteca.
Para leer mas sobre la historia del Castillo de Chapultepec, por favor visite este sitio de Internet http://www.mexicocity.com.mx/castillo.html
martes, octubre 25, 2005
Arena Escondida
Yo tome esta fotografia en la playa de Zicatela de Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca hace 7 meses exactamente. Recuerdo que sentia la arena debajo de mi toalla mientras un viento tranquilo ayudaba las gaviotas volar sobre las olas del mar Pacifico. Unos pescadores se dedicaban a poner redes junto a la playa para sacar unos peces para la cena.
En ese momento, me acuerdo que al voltear tuve la oportunidad de ver estos ninos sobre el caballo que ven en esta imagen.
Cuando uno se sienta o se acuesta en una playa, cualquiera, es muy tipico que uno se olvide de las cosas cotidianas que suceden cuando esta uno sentado en esa playa. Pueden ser vendedores ambulantes, otros turistas, o simplemente un perro ambriento buscando limosna para comer. Decidi tomar esta foto para poder acordarme de la rutina que para la arena escondida de esta playa en Oaxaca es lo habitual.
Durante estos dias frios de Octubre, me gusta acordarme de ese dia calido en la playa de Zicatela, Oaxaca.
Ademas, aprovecho para recomendar una pelicula titulada "The Squid & The Whale." Este filme tiene un sentido de humor bastante sofisticado, pero su ternura se define por lo simple que es en su objetivo - explicar como una familia de cuatro en Nueva York intenta sobrevivir los retos de traicion, lealtad y unidad.
A mi hermano Abraham le gusto mucho que en la pelicula el protagonista principal, un chavo en la prepa, decidi tocar la cancion "Hey You" de Pink Floyd, pero diciendo que el mismo la escribio. Obviamente, con tiempo se descubre que aunque el chavo tiene mucho talento, la cancion "Hey You" ya estaba escrita por Pink Floyd, a lo que responde el chavo..."pues eso solo es una tecnicalidad."
Esta historia de una familia en Park Slope tiene lecciones importantes para todos nosotros, el enfocarnos en ser felices pero con respeto y comprehension mutual. Para mas informacion sobre este filme por Noah Baumbach, por favor visiten el sitio oficial de la pelicula en el Internet. Esta pelicula tiene muchos galardones por su honestidad, intensidad y relevancia a nuestra locura contemporanea. Provecho. http://www.squidandthewhalemovie.com/
domingo, octubre 16, 2005
Que Llueva Que Llueva
"Que llueva, que llueva, la virgen de la cueva..." Eso cantaba yo cuando era un chico de 4 anyos en mi vecindario del Este de Los Angeles. Me recuerdo que todos los ninos en Los Angeles salian de sus casas a jugar entre la lluvia. Aunque nos llenaramos de lodo, no nos importaba, porque era uno de los pocos dias cuando podiamos enlodarnos en nuestra hermosa region, el Sur de California.
En esta foto, estoy con las manos arriba, pidiendo que llueva en Tenochtitlan, y ahora que estoy en Los Angeles teclando este mensaje, la tormenta por fin a llegado. Ahora, en estos segundos, tenemos una lluvia muy rica en Los Angeles. Aunque no esta lloviendo cafe, si esta lloviendo agua, y gotas de vida que tanto nos hacen falta en este desierto. Justamente, ahorita, la lluvia se esta escuchando mas fuerte. Desde mi ventana no alcanzo a ver mucho hacia afuera, pero eso es porque ya es media noche.
Ademas, estoy contento porque estos ultimos dias he estado leyendo muchos libros interesantes. Un libro que me impacto bastante es "Life of Pi" por Yann Martel. Este libro me hace apreciar lo poco y lo mucho que tengo. Si ustedes tienen la oportunidad de leer esta obra de literatura, se las recomiendo bastante. El protagonista de la historia se llama Pi, un apodo que escogio despues que descubre la importancia del 3.14 en la ciencia de la matematica. Pero la jornada que este pobre chavo vive, lo lleva desde la provincia de Pondecherry en la India hasta las playas de Mexico. Obviamente, la aventura cubre mucho terreno, pero la distancia se mide mas en su persona, y todo lo que le sucede y como lo interpreta.
Finalmente, tambien les recomiendo el ultimo CD del grupo Moenia. El CD esta titulado "Stereohits" y es una coleccion de covers de canciones que fueron famosas durante la decada de los ochenta. Aunque mucha gente critica covers, este CD vale la pena. Las canciones estan muy bien interpretadas, y pues cada cancion inspira una nostalgia rica, o sea en tu coche, en tu cuarto, o en tu regadara. De seguro que te las sabes, y con tiempo estaras haciendo ejercicio con una de ellas en tu Ipod. Ademas, el video de "Ni tu ni nadie" esta increiblemente padrisimo, chistoso, y de mucho animo. Provecho colegas. A disfrutar la buena musica.
Manos al Cielo
Esta noche me puse a pensar que peligrosa es la frontera entre Mexico y Estados Unidos. La violencia ha llegado a tal extremo que ambos paises estan con las manos al cielo, exigiendo que la violencia en Nuevo Laredo termine.
Es increible que yo cruze la frontera de Mexico a Estados Unidos en ese mismo pueblo. Debajo incluyo la noticia que vi en CNN en donde se explica mas sobre la violencia que esta sucediendo.
La foto fue tomada en Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca cuando estaba visitando las playas de Mexico en Marzo del 2005 con mi hermano Daniel.
Mientras escribo esto, estoy escuchando La Malaguena interpretada por Lila Downs.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) -- The top law enforcement officials from the United States and Mexico on Thursday vowed to boost police presence and cooperation along their shared border to combat a surge in violence fueled by the drug trade.
U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said he would send a "Violent Crime Impact Team" to Laredo, Texas, that would double the federal law enforcement presence in the border city.
"These rapid response teams target hot zones for violent activity, and identify a community's worst offenders," Gonzales said at a press conference.
"They will work with our international partners to investigate and prosecute violent crimes."
Hundreds of people have been killed in the past 18 months in northern Mexico as organized crime gangs battle for control of the lucrative drug trade into the United States.
That violence, which has paralyzed the northern Mexican cities of Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros, Ciudad Juarez and Tijuana, is increasingly spilling across the border.
"Mexico and the United States will act as a single unified chokehold whose efforts will overwhelm organized crime that threatens the border area, a sensitive region of shared interest to both countries," Mexican Attorney General Daniel Cabeza de Vaca said.
Among the victims of the crime wave have been a Mexican police chief killed after less than a day on the job and 23 Americans who have been kidnapped and are still missing.
The U.S. team heading to Laredo will include agents from the FBI, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, U.S. Marshals Service and Department of Homeland Security.
Gonzales said the strike forces have been successful in curbing violence in Miami, Baltimore and elsewhere.
Cabeza de Vaca and Gonzales also agreed to establish several partnership programs to improve security in the border cities.
The United States will help train Mexican customs officials, the FBI will provide advanced forensic testing of evidence and will provide equipment to Mexican officials, and the U.S. Bureau of Prisons will offer new technologies to reduce contraband in Mexico's notoriously corrupt prison system.
U.S. victim and witness protection programs will be expanded to help Mexican officials secure the testimony needed to prosecute drug criminal in Mexico.
Cabeza de Vaca acknowledged reports that former Mexican Army Special Forces troops, known as "Zetas," had worked as hired killers for drug cartels, but denied they were currently operating in the area or were responsible for murders in the United States.
"We do not today have reports of Zeta operatives acting within the United States territory, and as regards their operations within Mexican territory, it is either notably reduced or eliminated," Cabeza de Vaca said."
viernes, octubre 14, 2005
The Drum Factor
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa recently hosted a College Fair at Roosevelt High School in East LA. My brother and I visited the high school and left after talking to some college counselors from the Claremont Colleges.
But as I drove around RHS, I had to snap this picture of the mural that wraps around its track and field. The passion that many Chicanos feel towards the history of the Mexica people is astounding. For many Mexican Americans that have yet to visit Mexico, their loyalty and love for the old country takes many expressions.
Sadly, most of this energy is not reciprocated from the Mexicans south of the border, who often see Mexican Americans as culturally diluted, linguistically challenged and permanently detached from the tapestry of Mexico. Little do those south of the border know or realize that the drum beats louder north of the Rio Grande, especially in places like East LA.
Under Her Skin
Marina had a good time at her birthday party. In August, she visited Mexico City and took a bus from there to Cancun. Not many people do that kind of rugged traveling, especially when their Ipod is out of battery. But Marina always finds a way to get Mexico under her skin. Here, she and her sister enjoy some Latin beats, getting the party started.
Ready for the Good Times
I was really happy to see Stacy at Marina's birthday party. She and Hurricane have recently become engaged, and the wedding is scheduled for next September 16. I am excited to have been asked to be a groomsman at this party. Given that the wedding is scheduled on Mexico's official Independence from Spain, it should be a very fun celebration full of great music, food and friends.
Familiar Faces
viernes, octubre 07, 2005
Head On Collision
On Wednesday night, I went to the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in downtown Los Angeles to watch a documentary film on how breast cancer affects Asian American women. After a long day at the office, yes, I am finally working a full time job, I decided a good movie was in order.
My friend Angeline, pictured here, helped organize the event, which was a great success. The film shows how Asian women are highly susceptible to breast cancer because of a variety of issues, including public misconception about Asians not having the same risks of cancer as other groups. Also, many immigrant Asian women are reluctant to get mammograms, which in many cases can serve to increase early detection.
I thought the film did a nice job of covering the tapestry of Asian cultures that exists in the U.S. The film depicts every group from South Asians, to East Asians and to Pacific Islanders. Although I couldn't stay for the panel discussion later that night, seeing people dedicated to making the world a better place was great.
For more about the "Mothers, Daughters, Sisters" film, I encourage you to read the following excerpt from the KSCI website, http://www.kscitv.com/viewentry.asp?ID=261368&PT=MARKETINGOPS:
"Mothers, Daughters, Sisters is a groundbreaking film that touches the hearts of everyone. Told by breast cancer survivors of all ages, family members, community health advocates, university researchers, and physicians, this film strives to educate women about the importance of getting screened. KSCI-TV is proud to be able to release this film in their native languages to Southern California¡¯s Asian American television audience.
"This powerful film dispels the myth that Asian women are immune from breast cancer and delivers hope through the message that early detection brings a 95% chance of survival.
"Sensitively depicted, this documentary explores the cultural and societal barriers that hinder prevention and early detection, both within and outside the Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
"Hailed as an important contribution to public health education, Mothers, Daughters, Sisters has been embraced by women and their families of all cultures.
"Written and directed by Emmy-nominated filmmaker Patricia Kinaga, Mothers, Daughters, Sisters received the prestigious Telly Award."
martes, octubre 04, 2005
Big Foot's Revenge: H2O Style
As I was saying about amusement park strategies, never let your group slow you down. In our case, we learned our lesson the hard way, or should I say the H2O way. As mentioned, there were no lines that night at Knotts Berry Farm. And we got greedy. The log jammer ride wasn't enough. We had to go for more. Sean had been pushing for Big Foot Rapids all night, and we finally found it. We all boarded the raft, and for a consecutive 5 times kept going round and round. Our objective was to get Angeline wet, but as you can see, Sean, Monica and I failed miserably. But what do you do when you're this wet? You get on another ride, of course!
Hey, No Cutting
Amusement Park 101
When you first arrive at any amusement park, you have to consider your choices. You evaluate the length of the lines to each ride, you consider the possible pleasure you may derive from subjecting yourself through unnecessary back pain and neck strain, and finally you work with the people joining you for the day. If your group hesitates to go for the big rides, you use peer pressure to convince them, and if that doesn't work, you can build up to those rides by starting with some nice and slow ones first. Here, I think we ended up using a combination of both strategies. Before I realized it, I was running around like 5 year old kid from one ride to another. Because the lines were so short, we practically had the whole amusement park to ourselves. Pictured here is Monica, Sean, Angeline, her UC Irvine friend, y yo.
Go Carro Go
Angeline had free tickets to go to Knott's and she was kind enough to invite her law school possee. While at Knott's we started with a moderate approach to the rides, with the slowest train possible. But we eventually developed some confidence, and sooner rather than later we were going for the big rides.
Knott's has a dance hall in the middle of the park, where I snapped this picture of a mural. I like the visual effect of the car on water and of the front wheel crossing the blue line. And since the disco was full of 10 year old kids dancing La Macarena, outside was the place to be and stay.
Snoopy Harvest
So way back during the Harvest Moon celebration in Arcadia, my friend Angeline was holding little Luz, and out of nowhere came Snoopy from behind...so I snapped this picture just in time. Who'd of guessed that Snoopy was such a fan of the Harvest Moon festival. But the real interesting part about this picture is that several days later Angeline would invite us to go visit Knott's Berry Farm. Coincidence? I think not...I am convinced Angeline wanted more time with Snoopy!
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