miércoles, marzo 26, 2008

The Roar of Firenze

If you are not vigilant in some European piazzas, the statues and sculptures will eat you alive!

Not only because a structure is made of stone does it make it less of a threat. You may not have all of your senses on defense mode when you are strolling through one of Europe's most charming cities...but beware of Firenze and those eyes that lurk over your shoulder!

Most importantly, always keep your eye on the ball.

A Day With A View

Some days are just plain spectacular. Whether you are in Italy or in Southern California, when you encounter such days you have to embrace them, not fight them, and let them envelope you with their sun, light and water.

lunes, marzo 17, 2008

Fuentes de Force

En unas fuentes de Guadalajara, el agua se combina con estructuras fuertes y duras que comunican un tipo de fortaleza que normalmente se reserva para fuentes cerca del mar. Pero en esta ciudad tapatia, el agua se presenta con un poder que no requiere permiso ni pide perdon.

Fuentes de Agua Dulce en Guadalajara

When you fly into Guadalajara international airport from Mexico City, you cannot help but feel mesmerized by the Lago de Chapala, one of Mexico's largest lakes, and Guadalajara's principal watering hole.

In Guadalajara, everyone flocks to many of the city's fountains. As we all know, with water there is life.

domingo, marzo 16, 2008

Sway Back y Otra Vez

When I was walking in Guadalajara last fall, I caught a glimpse of this preview performance by these three young girls dancing to traditional Jalisciense music. Guadalajara is Mexico's second largest metropolis, and the largest city in the State of Jalisco.

This Centro Historico restaurant was promoting their evening dinner performances, and these girls were more than happy to participate in the promotional efforts.

Pantalones Tapatios

Esta foto fue tomada en Guadalajara durante el mes de Noviembre del 2007. Who wears the pants in your plaza?

A Flight Through the Brazilian Clouds

2007 had much promise, especially when flying across the Brazilian sky and seeing my plane's reflection on its white clouds.

Look! The plane, the plane!

lunes, marzo 10, 2008

La Primavera y la Vida

Estaba en el Museo de Arte de la Ciudad de Santa Barbara cuando me encontre con esta imagen. No me recuerdo de que parte del mundo es esta imagen, pero me acuerdo muy bien de haber reconocido la paz y tranquilidad que comunica la expresion de la cara de esta figura.

domingo, marzo 09, 2008

Arriba del Telon?

Estaba en Santa Barbara, California un dia en Febrero 2007, y despues de conseguir un estacionamiento para el Blue Demon (mi coche), sali y me encontre cara a cara con este proyecto en desarrollo.

Al principio me senti un poco fuera de onda, porque no sabia si se les habia olvidado entregarme el guion de la obra de teatro.

Estaba listo para iniciar el primer acto de la produccion, pero pronto me di cuenta que todavia no habia llegado la gente al teatro.

Al respirar profundamente, me di cuenta que todavia tenia tiempo para aprenderme y posiblemente practicar el dialogo que tenia que dar.

Ese dia fun un Domingo.

Orange in the Sky

For some reason, the Atlantic ocean and sky seemed bluer than normal that January day off the coast of Brazil in early 2007. I was feeling lucky, but perhaps the ocean and the sky were in equally cheerful and hopeful moods. Hmm. I just wanted to get my orange-winged plane out of there in the most discreet and subtle fashion...sort of like a, "Hey guys, I know you guys are having a swell day and all, but I am really just passing through here...Don't mind me...!" I think it worked.

Obrigado y Serpentino

This is the image you see when you take off from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil on your way to Sao Paolo. Who knew the Brazilian coast could look this serpentine?

This picture was taken at the start of 2007.

Los Twin Peaks de LA

I recently went on a hike in Los Angeles County, and when I saw this image to my right, I was immediately reminded of the introductory scenes of the old television series Twin Peaks, which I am still watching (currently on Season 2).
There's something about the water pouring over the concrete and flowing, ebbing, and moving its way downstream. Yeah, basic gravity and h20 crap, I know, but once you can imagine the soundtrack music from the Twin Peaks' opening scenes, everything takes a different meaning.
To read more about Twin Peaks, check out the link below:
Copied below is a description of the music of Twin Peaks:
"Composer Angelo Badalamenti, a frequent contributor to Lynch projects, scored the series and provides the leitmotif "Laura's Theme", the famous title theme, and other evocative pieces to the soundtrack. A handful of the motifs were borrowed from the Julee Cruise album Floating Into the Night, which was written in large part by Badalamenti and Lynch, and was released in 1989."

Being "Very Be Careful" in Monterey Park

Only in Los Angeles can you get a group of folks to come together and listen to a band called Very Be Careful at the Monterey Park Chinese New Year festival. Viva California. Wish you all could have been there. And the music was so good, people started dancing on the sidewalks and on the street! Happy belated Chinese New Year!

La Naturaleza en Los Angeles

Some days you just have to get some hiking under your belt, and make your way up a nice trail. Los Angeles County has some very nice trails north of Pasadena in the city's northeast corner. For many, a life of freeways and carpool lanes is all that every day offers, but for others, the right exit off the 210 freeway heading north can lead you to some interesting territory. Here I am with some friends enjoying nature in Southern Cali. Next time you are in LA, you may want to squeeze in some good hiking.

My Opinion Poll Weekend

This weekend, on Saturday morning to be exact, I was standing in the science and outdoor learning aisle at Toys R' Us in Alhambra, CA, when I received a call from the Gallup Organization in Houston, TX.

I was deciding between getting my nephew either a monster truck toy or an insect and frog tank.

Here are some of the questions that threw me off a little bit during the survey:

1. What is your height in feet and inches?

2. Did you feel happiness yesterday?

3. Did you feel sadness yesterday?

Overall, the questions were well presented, and I was happy to answer every single one of them. I was impressed with the breadth of the questions, and with the efficiency of the operators. We covered public health issues, policy questions, and the present Democratic nominees.

I felt great to have finally participated in a Gallup Poll.


miércoles, marzo 05, 2008

Blue March

Yeah, so it is already March, and before you know it we will be in the middle of spring. Some folks thought the Democratic primary would be over by now, but Ohio and Texas are giving the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania its moment in the sun!

Esta foto fue tomada en el 2005, en Michoacan, Mexico.